Government and Commercial clients test, verify, validate, and gain accreditation of their systems and staff to protect their valuable information and allow them to achieve a higher return on their long-term investments. IntellecTechs provides unbiased and independent, technically and operationally sound testing to adequately evaluate the effectiveness of your computational, aerospace, or network technologies and employees.
Testing & Evaluation
- DOD 8570.01 Certification Testing
- Software Testing and Evaluation
- Penetration Testing
- Flight Hardware Environmental Test and Integration Services
- DOD IA Certification and Accreditation Process (DIACAP) Services
- Development of Test and Evaluation Plans and Reports
DIACAP Services
Our Engineers apply formal processes to ensure that companies and organizations apply effective risk management to their information systems. We actively support DIACAP, which defines a DoD-wide formal process for the certification and accreditation of information systems that maintains the information assurance posture throughout a system’s life cycle.
We Provide
- Assessment of Threats, Vulnerabilities, and Risks
- Certification and Accreditation
- Penetration Testing

Flight Hardware Environmental Test and Integration Services
Our experts support NASA Goddard with engineering and technician testing and integration support services for the study, design, development, fabrication, integration, testing, verification and operations of space flight and ground system hardware.
We Provide
- Thermal, Vibrational, and Acoustic Hardware Testing
- Cleanroom Operations and Support
- Test Program Operational Support Services
Development of T&E Plans/Reports
Our Engineers support the development of Test and Evaluation Master Plans (TEMP) to ensure complete and accurate system introduction and integrated testing. We provide support to define and document performance characteristics to measure quantitatively and assess them against established engineering baselines. In the acquisition process, we have precisely articulated first order, second order and third order performance measures to establish the contractual basis for the relationship between the various stakeholders.
We Provide
- Test and Evaluation Planning and Documentation Support
- Definition of Performance Measures
- Acquisition Support Services