Virginia Beach, VA, – IntellecTechs, Inc. (pronounced In-te-LEC-Teks), Michael Harris will be honored at the CEO Welcome Breakfast 2017 with the Hampton Roads Chamber. Mr. Harris is the President of IntellecTechs, a full-service Information Technology (IT) small business providing services to both the commercial and government sectors.
The Hampton Roads Chamber created the CEO Welcome Breakfast to welcome and recognize those who have moved into leadership positions this year. The Chamber presents this event annually to give the business community in Hampton Roads and elected leaders the opportunity to show their support for these individuals.
“This event provides an excellent opportunity for us to congratulate and build or start professional and business acquaintances with some of the Hampton Roads’ best business leaders…I can think of no better way to enjoy a hearty breakfast. Thank you for this honor,” said Michael Harris, President of IntellecTechs.
The CEO Welcome Breakfast is scheduled for Wednesday, November 15, 2017 at the Founders Inn and Spa in Virginia Beach, Virginia. For more information about the CEO Welcome Breakfast visit www.hamptonroadschamber.com.